photography Serafina Andrew
model Mohamed Elshafic

We spoke with photographer Serafina Andrew and see tells us about this incredible shoot Urban Call. Also she dives in to her dream shoot and tell us about some exciting things about her world today and in the future. Hold on this is a good one.

If you could live anywhere on this awesome planet, where would you build your dream home? I would build my dream home in London; it’s something about the cloudy city that’s so fascinating to me. What is your current state of mind before we continue with the interview? I’m calm and collected but at the same time also happy. What sort of work do you specialize in? In fashion and portrait photography. Did you go to school to study photography? No, most of the things I learned from my father or by experimenting. How long have you been a photographer? I’d love to say all my life somehow. I always had an interest in photography but serious building skills and doing photo shoots would be around 6 years now. How would you describe your style? Uh that’s a hard one. I would say I’m in love with symmetry. Absolutely geeky about mixing materials like wood, glass, metal and stone. A big influence in my work is architecture and the light-shadow ratio. As I said it’s hard for me to describe it but you might get an idea if you see one of my photographs. What type of cameras do you shoot with? Currently in love with my Nikon D300 who I call Martha because she’s my favorite Camera in the last few months.
What is your favorite photography accessory, other than your camera? Funny it’s my extra Camera battery grip because I love to shoot vertical and of course it’s a lifesaver. If you had to choose one lens which one would it be and why? Nikon 35mm 1.2, it’s perfect if you want to do some fashion shots and portraits. What lighting equipment do you take on a shoot? None, I work most of the time with the natural sun light. Can you describe how and when you use flash, video light, reflectors and natural light during a shoot? I use flash mostly in situations like party photography or in the studio where I might have a certain goal for a shoot. Video lights at shootings outdoors at night or dark places. Natural light is my go to as I described earlier, because of my style of photography I usually don’t use a reflector. I love how the natural shadows hit the face and texture of clothes.
What are your favorite computer/editing accessory, other than your computer? My Wacom Graphic Tablet. I cannot imaging working without it. Time and life saver. How important is Photoshop in your final images? Very important then I focus at the shoot more about the feeling and the expression of the model. Photoshop gives me the opportunity to give my pictures the final and perfect touch. Especially when it comes to skin retouching and color grading.

Are you a MAC or PC lover? MAC lover throughout. Do you plan on buying any new equipment and if so what do you have your eyes on? I’m thinking of buying a Nikon D3x. How do you feel about cropping an image? Uh, that’s a sensitive topic. I don’t like it at all. What gives you ideas and inspires you to create such great imagery? It’s mostly stories and clothing and architecture. I try to think of a story while planning my shoots. My mood-board consists mostly of new designs, mood, and a simple storyline. What has been your most memorable assignment and why? I had a water shoot in a river with more than 4m of fabric and the model almost drown because of the weight from the fabric which was pulling her down. That was so scary. Where would be your dream destination assignment? Dreaming of Dubai, The mix between Desert and Skyscrapers makes me so excited. What is your favorite image you have shot recently? Location was a Parking lot with some Cement walls which reached up about 3 meters. We only had the sunlight that came through the buildings and I positioned the model in front of that wall on a step. I wanted to create something editorial, sharp, with a clear statement and mood. I’m so overwhelmed with that shoot it has character and a timeless touch at the same time. It means a lot to me. What do you think of the photography industry at the moment and where do you see it in 5 years from now?
It’s a fast industry. I’m kind of worried how everybody nowadays claims to be a photographer even without any knowledge of the art of photography. It’s way more than just pressing some buttons and getting a sharp image. I see myself in 5 years as good settled photographer who got the opportunities to work with brands, magazines and Agencies as a for living. A photographer who inspires you? Zhang Jingna. The first photographer that comes to your mind and why? Jessica Kobeissi because of her funny YouTube videos The last workshop or seminar you attended and why? Crafting 101 because I wanted to make some wired headpieces for a photo shoot and didn’t know how to start with it. Is there anybody or anything you would love to photograph? Elizabeth and Victoria Lejonhjärta, these twins are just pure beauty

What advice do you have for somebody who wants to pursue photography? What ever you want to do in photography stay calm, learn by doing, never give up and always try to be true to yourself. Is there anything you would have done differently during your photographic career? I wouldn’t have set my goals in the early stages so high that got to fail anyway. I had some difficult years because of my high expectations what lead to a blockade in my creativity. If you could be invisible for one day with your camera... I would go to an airport and take picture at the arrival and departure to capture the lovely hellos and heartbreaking goodbyes of the people. I’d love to see the emotions. Something you’re still learning? Overcoming Procrastination. Something that is overrated? Drama and Gossip. Something you’re saving up for? A trip to Dubai. If you could have lunch with anyone, who would it be? Def. Barack Obama not only because he is the former President more because he as well is a mixed person who knows the struggle to be half black and white. First thing you would do if you won the lottery? Getting myself a Studio and Gallery or travel around for a while. What would you like to be doing in 5 years from now? Work as a Photographer full time. And the last questions, if you had one wish… I would wish that all the racial and religious conflicts would have an end. Your readers can find out more about me: Website: serafinaandrew.com Instagram: instragram.com/justseenon(Photography Instagram)
instragram.com/serafinaaandrew (Personal Instagram) Facebook: facebook.com/serafinaandrewphotography
