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PQs May the 4th be with you!

photography Bruno Domingues

model Carol Larsen (Darth Vader)

model Ally J Wilkinson (StormTrooper & C3PO)

model Kiara Lynette Brooker (R2D2)

mua Anni Cronin

hair Jaymee-Beau Potter

assistant mua Tennielle Copson

assistant photography/studio BTS Morgan Carew

retouching Bruno Domingues

composites Carol Larsen

Location Warehouse Studios

Some time ago one of the photographers that Bruno follows, Oz Saiki posted a few photos of models wearing Star Wars droid bathing suits with matching character helmets (Vader, Storm Trooper & Boba Fett). Seeing this inspired him to organize a Star Wars themed shoot, allowing the combination of two things that he loves… Star Wars and photography.

With this in mind Bruno started to plan and of course the makeup artist that first came to mind was Anni, as she is one of the biggest Star Wars fans he knows.

Now there on a roll and the plan is coming together. They started early December 2016 and Morgan was brought on-board to be Bruno’s assistant. No the plan is in full motion and next was the booking of Warehouse Studios for early February.

So the idea for the shoots concept is the models are composited into Star Wars planet backdrops and there is no one better than Carol Larsen. Anni lined up other team members to help her out: Jaymee-Beau Potter for hair and Tennielle Copson to assist with the makeup.

The Empire

Bruno has followed Carol’s work since he started shooting and they have worked together in the past. She’s a very multi-talented lady and was the perfect choice to be Darth Vader. Carol is also responsible for the amazing composites you will see at the end of this story!

He has also shot with Ally more times than he I could count. They became very good friends and she’s as talented as she is sweet (and hot)! You will see her here as our Storm Trooper AND C3PO!

The Droids

And to play R2 the team was looking for a short type of model with red hair. Kiara was the only model in the shoot Brno hasn’t met before but he knew she was the right fit. The online communication from the moment he approached her to the day of the shoot was great and as you can see, she nailed it!

The Force - Final Images

So after 5 hours in the studio was time for downloading, culling, proofing and retouching before sending the images for Carol to do her magic. Having her on board was winning twice, as you can see! Then to Prolific… May the 4th be with you! - PQ

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