We had the opportunity to interview model Tirzah Manhiah from Kansa City. Sit back and relax and go on this journey with me. -H
Where are you from?
I was born in a little town called Cambridge Maryland, raised in The Washington DC area and currently living in Kansas City Missouri for the last 5 Years.
How old are you?
I am 30 years old.
How many siblings are in your family?
I have 3 siblings.
What’s your background in modeling? When and why did you get started? Was it for the glamour? The money? Pure kicks?
I am a Runway/Print Model, I First started Modeling in my senior year of high school at Crossland High School in Maryland. When I graduated I went on to Model for Pure Raw Couture Model troop at Shaw University and have now been modeling non stop for the past 4 years. The reason I started modeling was to find an outlet that I could build up my self confidence and peek my creativity.
Who are some of your favorite models and designers, and why?
My favorite Model of ALL times is Grace Jones One of my favorites from the Newer generations would be Slick woods to me slick is like the modern day Grace I admire them for being able to remain who they truly are and always willing to step outside of the fashion box and be true TREND setters. Favorite Designer is Jeremy Scott his detailing is beyond this world!

How would you describe your style?
I would describe my Style as Afro Hippie Because of how free spirited I am. I generally shop at any and every thrift store or from my own closet taking something old and revamping it into a new creation. Over the last few years I have done a lot of Runway shows From Kansas City Fashion Week to NY Fashion Week and I’m excited to say that this will be my fourth published work this year! I have previously been published on Look Vine for my Street Style and Ayme Magazine based in New York and recently in Ink Therapy Magazine.
What is fun and rewarding about modeling?
The best part of modeling for me would be being able to transform into any character and I love having my work tell the story through photos.
What do you dislike about modeling?
I would say the downside would have to be getting told a million No’s just to get that one yes....but it’s all worth it in the end.
What advice do you have for other aspiring models?
My biggest advice would be to trust yourself and the process and to always be open to learning something new from others.
How do you prepare for a modeling shoot?
I usually pack my model bag the night before with extra clothes,shoes,props,and accessories I like to be over prepared.
What comments do you have about frugal fashion–smart or petty?
I think Frugal Fashion is Smart! I mean I am a thrifter, lol... and to me it gives your imagination more room to explore and it gives you the ability to find high fashion on low budget.
What does fashion mean to you?
Fashion means everything to me... It’s Freedom of Expression without using words.
Kansas City is great as there are a lot of hidden locally run businesses that have one of a kind items.

What are some other cities you think provide good/great shopping experiences?
I love shopping back home in Washington DC we have the best vintage thrift stores!!
How has modeling changed other aspects of your life?
Modeling has not only built up my self confidence but it has also humbled me and taught me to be patient.
Do you do your own hair and make-up?
I often do my own hair and will sometimes do my makeup but normally have local M.U.A’s on set for makeup.
What are some of the main differences between runway and photographic modeling?
In my opinion there is not much difference in both styles of modeling you have to sell your look to your audience and captivate them with your personality.
What was the premise for the shoot you did with the photographer?
I wanted to shed light on a dream I had but it wasn’t just about what I saw in the dream. I had a feeling of being free and pure that was one of the reason I used daisy's in the photos. The daisy's represent my feelings of being surrounded by love and light and the people that bring those qualities out of us are friends and family. In this specific photo shoot I chose to use one of my best friends and my husband(his first time) as models and together we all brought this vision to life.
What’s your favorite outfit in this set of photos?
My favorite outfit would be the leather chaps with flowers... I love the mixture of soft and edgy.
What’s your favorite outfit from your own closet?
My closet is a giant mystery box, lol... I don’t have a favorite outfit but I do have a favorite multi color crochet fringe jacket that I absolutely Lovvvee! I would literally wear it everyday if I could.
Describe the atmosphere when you’re on a shoot.
The atmosphere when I’m on set is a lot of "Energy", so it’s like being surrounded by close friends even though you’ve never met.

Do you play music? Do you talk with the photographer between shots?
Yes music is my second love and my husband is a producer/musician so he always hooks me up with a dope playlist. I’m always talking to the photographer I like to bounce ideas off of each other.
Tell us about yourself:
I am super passionate about everything thing I do. My drive and determination are my best qualities as I never give up no matter how many times I have to start over. I’ve always had a good sense of style and being able to adapt to any setting has been my strength which has allowed modeling to come naturally to me who else wouldn’t want a lifetime career of dress up!!
Have you attended fashion modeling courses and if so which ones?
Yes, I have taken Steve G model workshop.
Why would you think you’re fit for being a model?
Because I not only have the attitude and confidence but I also have the ability to put on a designers Garment and not just wear it but sell it!!!
What are your goals as a model? How do you see yourself progress in this field?
My goals are to heighten my knowledge in posing techniques and to explore into different genres/styles of modeling and I want to continue being published in magazines around the world and in 5+ years I would love to be in Fashion Week walking for Jeremy Scott.
How do you communicate with people? Are you patient? Are you friendly?
Meeting new people is so refreshing to me So I am naturally a people person who loves to talk and network. I think all of my peers would consider me as a beam of light.
What is your nutrition? How often do you go to the gym? Do you practice constantly?
I don’t have the best diet lol, but I am pretty fit I played a lot of sports throughout my teenage years and have always remain active. I like to go to the gym twice a week and I am constantly practicing my walk and posing techniques whenever I see a mirror which is quite often.
Where can people follow your modeling career?
You can follow me at:
Instagram: @iam_tirzahmahlah
Facebook: Model Tir-zah Mahlah
Anything else you’d like to say?
Fun Fact My Name is Hebrew it means Child of Delight and is pronounced TY-ZA MA-LA. -PQ
